This is a space designed just for you. At NourishMOM, I believe that motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it can also be challenging. That's why I'm here to support you every step of the way, from pregnancy to postpartum and beyond.

About Me!

I'm Jai, the founder of NourishMOM, and I'm thrilled to have you here. I am a proud mom of two who's been through the beautiful whirlwind of motherhood firsthand. After experiencing the joys and challenges of pregnancy and postpartum, I realized there was a glaring gap in the support and information available to mothers like me in the areas of nourishing foods, exercise and even self care and mental care. Too often, I found myself navigating the postpartum journey without the guidance and education I needed to truly thrive. Also, I found that many obstetricians overlook the crucial aspect of postpartum healing, leaving mothers feeling lost and unsupported. That's why I created NourishMOM – to provide a nurturing space where moms can find the resources, tools, and community support they need to prioritize their wellness during this transformative time. Here, you'll discover everything you need to nourish your body, mind, and soul as you embark on the incredible journey of motherhood. Welcome to a place where every mom deserves to thrive!

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Supporting posptpartum moms every step of their journey.

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